This Metasploit module can be used to gather information about a domain from a given DNS server by performing various DNS queries such as zone transfers, reverse lookups, SRV record brute forcing, and other techniques.
Dell EMC VMAX Virtual Appliance (vApp) Manager suffers from file upload and hardcoded password vulnerabilities. Affected includes Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliance versions prior to, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement) versions prior to and including 1.4 (Enginuity Release 5977.1125.1125 and earlier).
This Metasploit module will create a boot persistent reverse Meterpreter session by installing on the target host the payload as a script that will be executed at user logon or system startup depending on privilege and selected startup method.
This Metasploit module will inject a payload into memory of a process. If a payload isn't selected, then it'll default to a reverse x86 TCP meterpreter. If the PID datastore option isn't specified, then it'll inject into notepad.exe instead.