The Jetty path normalization mechanism suffers of an implementation issue when parsing the request URLs. The path normalization logic implemented in the PathResource class and introduced in Jetty versions 9.3.x can be defeated by requesting malicious URLs containing specific escaped characters. Leveraging on this weakness, a malicious user can gain access to protected resources (e.g. WEB-INF and META-INF folders and their contents) and defeat application filters or other security constraints implemented in the servlet configuration. Versions 9.3.0 through 9.3.8 are affected.
Ganeti, an open source virtualization manager, suffers from multiple issues in its RESTful control interface (RAPI). The distributed replicated storage (DRBD) secret is leaked by the RAPI interface when job results are requested. Leveraging on the knowledge of this secret, a malicious user who had already gained access to the storage network of the cluster can retrieve instance data more easily and reliably. The RAPI interface is also vulnerable to a denial of service condition, triggered via SSL parameter renegotiation issued by a malicious client. The condition leads to resource exhaustion on the master node. Many versions are affected.
It is generally assumed that sending and sniffing arbitrary, Fast Ethernet packets can be performed with standard Network Interface Cards (NIC) and generally available packet injection software. However, full control of frame values such as the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) or Start-of-Frame delimiter (SFD) has historically required the use of dedicated and costly hardware. This presentation, given at Blackhat 2013, dissects Fast Ethernet layer 1 and 2 presenting novel attack techniques supported by an affordable hardware setup that, using customized firmware, allows fully arbitrary frame injection. Proof of concept code also included.