Scripting languages like JavaScript are being integrated into commercial software to support easy file modification. For example, Adobe Acrobat accepts JavaScript to dynamically manipulate PDF files. To bridge the gap between the high-level scripts and the low-level languages (like C/C++) used to implement the software, a binding layer is necessary to transfer data and transform representations. However, due to the complexity of two sides, the binding code is prone to inconsistent semantics and security holes, which lead to severe vulnerabilities. Existing efforts for testing binding code merely focus on the script side, and thus miss bugs that require special program native inputs. In this paper, the researchers propose cooperative mutation, which modifies both the script code and the program native input to trigger bugs in binding code.
Cooper utilizes cooperative mutation to test the binding code of scripting languages to find memory-safe issues. Cooperative mutation simultaneously modifies the script code and the related document objects to explore various code paths of the binding code. To support cooperative mutation, the authors infer the relationship between script code and document objects to guide the two-dimensional mutation. They applied their tool Cooper on three popular commercial PDF tools, Adobe Acrobat, Foxit Reader, and Microsoft Word. Cooper detected 134 previously unknown bugs, which resulted in 33 CVE entries and 22K bug bounties.