phpMyNewsletter version 0.6.10 suffers from a remote file inclusion vulnerability in customize.php.
PHP Advanced Poll v2.0.2 contains remotely exploitable PHP code injection, file include, and phpinfo vulnerabilities. Exploit URLs and vulnerable code snippets included. Patch and vulnerability details available here.
myPHPCalendar version 10192000 Build 1 Beta has information disclosure and file inclusion vulnerabilities that lie in the admin.php, contacts.php, and convert-date.php files.
GuppY versions 2.4p3 and below are susceptible to cross site scripting attacks and have a lack of authentication when various data submissions are performed.
EMML version 1.32, or EternalMart Mailing List Manager, and EMGB version 1.1, or EternalMart Guestbook, are both vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks that allow for remote PHP code execution from another site.
PHP Nuke 6.7 is susceptible to allowing arbitrary file upload and execution via the file mailattach.php.
myPHPNuke version 1.8.8_7 performs improper variable sanitizing that will inadvertently allow a remote attacker to upload files from another site to the current site.
A cross site scripting vulnerability was found in the 1.3.x and below versions of the NewBB PHP forum.
Pmachine version 2.2.1 has a fault Include() routine that allows a remote attacker to supply a malicious URL that in turn can be a script that the webserver will then execute.
A problem exists in True Galerie v1.0 that allows a remote attacker to obtain administrative access to this utility due to misuse of cookies.
PHP Nuke 6.0 has vulnerabilities in the Forums and Private_Messages modules which allow attackers to save forum information and user data to a text file.
PHP Nuke 6.0 is vulnerable to multiple SQL injection attacks that will allow an attacker to access member lists, show users by user ID, show moderators, show administrators, privilege escalation, and more.