This Metasploit module can be used to execute a payload on JBoss servers that have an exposed HTTPAdaptor's JMX Invoker exposed on the "JMXInvokerServlet". By invoking the methods provided by jboss.admin:DeploymentFileRepository a stager is deployed to finally upload the selected payload to the target. The DeploymentFileRepository methods are only available on Jboss 4.x and 5.x.
This Metasploit module can be used to install a WAR file payload on JBoss servers that have an exposed "jmx-console" application. The payload is put on the server by using the jboss.system:BSHDeployer's createScriptDeployment() method.
BibORB 1.3.2 is susceptible to SQL injection, cross site scripting, directory traversal, and arbitrary file upload vulnerabilities. Detailed exploitation provided.