This Metasploit module can be used to execute a payload on Umbraco CMS The payload is uploaded as an ASPX script by sending a specially crafted SOAP request to codeEditorSave.asmx, which permits unauthorised file upload via the SaveDLRScript operation. SaveDLRScript is also subject to a path traversal vulnerability, allowing code to be placed into the web-accessible /umbraco/ directory. The module writes, executes and then overwrites an ASPX script; note that though the script content is removed, the file remains on the target. Automatic cleanup of the file is intended if a meterpreter payload is used. This Metasploit module has been tested successfully on Umbraco CMS on a Windows 7 32-bit SP1. In this scenario, the "IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0" user must have write permissions on the Windows Temp folder.