The GitLab internal API is exposed unauthenticated on GitLab. This allows the username for each SSH Key ID number to be retrieved. Users who do not have an SSH Key cannot be enumerated in this fashion. LDAP users, e.g. Active Directory users will also be returned. This issue was fixed in GitLab v7.5.0 and is present from GitLab v5.0.0.
This Metasploit module will bypass Windows UAC by utilizing the missing .manifest on the script host cscript/wscript.exe binaries.
This Metasploit module will login with the specified username/password and execute the supplied command as a hidden process. Output is not returned by default. Unless targetting a local user either set the DOMAIN, or specify a UPN user format (e.g. user@domain). This uses the CreateProcessWithLogonW WinAPI function. A custom command line can be sent instead of uploading an executable. APPLICAITON_NAME and COMMAND_LINE are passed to lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine respectively. See the MSDN documentation for how these two values interact.
This Metasploit module uses Powershell Remoting (TCP 47001) to inject payloads on target machines. If RHOSTS are specified it will try to resolve the IPs to hostnames, otherwise use a HOSTFILE to supply a list of known hostnames.
This Metasploit module will bypass Windows UAC by utilizing the trusted publisher certificate through process injection. It will spawn a second shell that has the UAC flag turned off. This Metasploit module uses the Reflective DLL Injection technique to drop only the DLL payload binary instead of three separate binaries in the standard technique. However, it requires the correct architecture to be selected, (use x64 for SYSWOW64 systems also).
This Metasploit module executes Powershell to upgrade a Windows Shell session to a full Meterpreter session.
This Metasploit module executes powershell on the remote host using the current user credentials or those supplied. Instead of using PSEXEC over TCP port 445 we use the WMIC command to start a Remote Procedure Call on TCP port 135 and an ephemeral port. Set ReverseListenerComm to tunnel traffic through that session. The result is similar to psexec but with the added benefit of using the session's current authentication token instead of having to know a password or hash. We do not get feedback from the WMIC command so there are no indicators of success or failure. The remote host must be configured to allow remote Windows Management Instrumentation.
This Metasploit module exploits a missing DLL loaded by the 'IKE and AuthIP Keyring Modules' (IKEEXT) service which runs as SYSTEM, and starts automatically in default installations of Vista-Win8. It requires an insecure bin path to plant the DLL payload.
This Metasploit module quickly fires up a web server that serves the payload in powershell. The provided command will start powershell and then download and execute the payload. The IEX command can also be extracted to execute directly from powershell. The main purpose of this module is to quickly establish a session on a target machine when the attacker has to manually type in the command himself, e.g. RDP Session, Local Access or maybe Remote Command Exec. This attack vector does not write to disk so is unlikely to trigger AV solutions and will allow to attempt local privilege escalations supplied by meterpreter etc. You could also try your luck with social engineering. Ensure the payload architecture matches the target computer or use SYSWOW64 powershell.exe to execute x86 payloads on x64 machines.
This Metasploit module checks the AlwaysInstallElevated registry keys which dictate if .MSI files should be installed with elevated privileges (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM). The default MSI file is data/exploits/exec_payload.msi with the WiX source file under external/source/exploits/exec_payload_msi/exec_payload.wxs. This MSI simply executes payload.exe within the same folder. The MSI may not execute successfully successive times, but may be able to get around this by regenerating the MSI. MSI can be rebuilt from the source using the WIX tool with the following commands: candle exec_payload.wxs light exec_payload.wixobj.
The uplay ActiveX component allows an attacker to execute any command line action. User must sign in, unless auto-sign in is enabled and uplay is not already running. Due to the way the malicious executable is served (WebDAV), the module must be run on port 80, so please ensure you have proper privileges. Ubisoft released patch 2.04 as of Mon 20th July.