DNSKiller - Demonstrates a bug in Microsoft DNS server.
Sample Windoze NT RAS PPTP exploit - I discovered that NT 4.0 w/SP3 and RAS PPTP is vulnerable to a DOS causing core dump.
x-dumper.sh remote xwin exploit - Will attempt to dump a screen via xwd.
TESO Security Advisory - A vulnerability within the wmcdplay CD playing application for the WindowMaker desktop has been discovered. It allows local root compromise through arbitrary code execution.Any system which has wmcdplay installed as setuid root is vulnerable.
TESO Security Advisory - The atsar application contains an exploitable vulnerability. The Halloween 4 Linux distribution, which is based on RedHat 6.1 is shipped with this suid-root program. It might be used to gain superuser privileges. Any system that has atsar-linux-1.4.2 package installed is vulnerable.
dsniff is a suite of utilities that are useful for penetration testing. It consists of the following programs: arpredirect intercepts packets from a target host on the LAN intended for another host on the LAN by forging ARP replies. findgw determines the local gateway of an unknown network via passive sniffing. macof floods the local network with random MAC addresses. tcpkill kills specified in-progress TCP connections. dsniff is a simple password sniffer which handles many protocols. mailsnarf outputs all messages sniffed from SMTP traffic in Berkeley mbox format. webspy sends URLs sniffed from a client to your local Netscape browser for display, updated in real-time.
syslog-ng as the name shows is a syslogd replacement, but with new functionality for the new generation. The original syslogd allows messages only to be sorted based on priority/facility pair, syslog-ng adds the possibility to filter based on message contents using regular expressions. The new configuration scheme is intuitive and powerful.
gShield is an aggressive, modular, ipchains-based firewall script. Features include: easy configuration through a BSD-style configuration file, optional IPmasq support, TCP-wrapper-like funtionality for service access, and extremely restrictive defaults. It hopes to make administrating a comprehensive firewall easier, as well as offering robust protection while being easy to setup/maintain.
oftpd is designed to be as secure as an anonymous FTP server can possibly be. It runs as non-root for most of the time, and uses the Unix chroot() command to hide most of the systems directories from external users--they cannot change into them even if the server is totally compromised. It also contains its own directory-change and directory-listing code (most FTP servers execute the system "ls" command to list files).
Narrow Security Scanner 2000 searches for 365 remote vulnerabilities. Written in perl, tested on Redhat, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, Slackware, and SuSE.
BsdScan is a light-weight port-scanner designed for the BSD operating system. It currently supports scanning single hosts, subnets, logging results, scanning ports in a random order, specifying a port range, and a speed option to only scan commonly used ports.
Security Auditor's Research Assistant (SARA) is a security analysis tool based on the SATAN model. It is updated frequently to address the latest threats. Checks for common old holes, backdoors, trust relationships, default cgi, common logins.
pgp4pine is a script that automatically encrypts and decrypts mail under Pine using PGP. The user is not separated from things that PGP does. The program is compatible with PGP versions 2.6.3, 5.0, 6.5.1 and GNUPG 1.0, has support for an aliases file and signature-rotating programs, and can remember your passphrase for a session if you need.
Wingatelnet automatically routes your connection through a list of wingate servers, dramatically increasing your anonimity.