Sending crafted packets to a 2.6 series kernel with netfilter rules matching TCP options (using the --tcp-option match) may result in a Denial of Service.
Lotus Domino versions 6.5.1 and newer allow for a crash of the complete server when a client attempts to open up large email messages.
HP advisory against running Netscape on HP-UX platform.
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS) versions earlier than 5.0 ship with ServletExec versions that are vulnerable to attack where unauthorized users can upload any file and gain administrative privileges.
There is a remotely exploitable bug in all Linux kernel 2.6 series due to using an incorrect variable type. The vulnerability is connected to the netfilter subsystem and may cause denial of service.
The Prestige 650HW-31 is susceptible to a denial of service attack when supplied with an overly long password string.
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200406-22 - Pavuk contains a bug potentially allowing an attacker to run arbitrary code.