[waraxe-2018-SA#107] - Reflected XSS in FV Flowplayer Wordpress plugin ================================================================================ Author: Janek Vind "waraxe" Date: 20. September 2018 Location: Estonia, Tartu Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-107.html Target description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FV Player is a free, easy-to-use, and complete solution for embedding FLV or MP4 videos into your posts or pages. With MP4 videos, FV Player offers 98% coverage even on mobile devices. https://wordpress.org/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/ https://foliovision.com/player Vulnerable version: Fixed version: Active installations: 40 000+ ############################################################################### Reflected XSS in "models/flowplayer.php" ############################################################################### Reason: * Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data Attack vector: * User-supplied GET parameter "fv_player_preview" Preconditions: * Must be logged in as user with "manage_options" privileges (usually admin) PHP script "models/flowplayer.php" line 2012: ------------------------[ source code start ]---------------------------------- alert('XSS')" with trailing "=" removed, because PHP function "base64_decode()" does not care about it. By the way, this Reflected XSS vulnerability allows bypassing anti-XSS filters in all modern web browsers thanks to base64 encoding. Disclosure timeline: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19.09.2018 -> First email sent to developers 19.09.2018 -> Got first response email from developers 19.09.2018 -> Sending detailed information to developers 20.09.2018 -> Found problems are fixed, new version available 20.09.2018 -> Waraxe advisory released Contact: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ come2waraxe@yahoo.com Janek Vind "waraxe" Waraxe forum: http://www.waraxe.us/ Personal homepage: http://www.janekvind.com/