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Posted May 4, 2000
Authored by s0ftpj, Pigpen | Site s0ftpj.org

This simple source code uses sysctlbyname() to fetch statistics for a protocol that you can use for security purposes or for kernel testing.

tags | kernel, protocol
SHA-256 | f2452776425ae8565c153915701d04ef8305cbbdb0c2a5c86bafeb1133367914


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* Name: kerninetstat
* Date: Sun Feb 13 13:16:33 2000
* Author: pIGpEN [pigpen@s0ftpj.org, deadhead@sikurezza.org]
* SoftProject Digital Security for Y2K (www.s0ftpj.org)
* Sikurezza.org Italian Security MailingList (www.sikurezza.org)
* COFFEE-WARE LICENSE - This source code is like "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" by
* Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> but you can give me in return a coffee.
* Tested on: FreeBSD 4.0-19990705-CURRENT FreeBSD 4.0-19990705-CURRENT #6 i386
* This simple source code uses sysctlbyname() to fetch statistics of a protocol
* you can use them for security purposes or for kernel testing... see also
* sources of systat or netstat -s...
* Note: some variables of stat structures can be not present in other kernel
* versions

* knstat is intended to be used as cron job example:
* knstat -icmp >> icmp_stat.log
* if you wanna use this tool like a command define WAIT
* #define WAIT

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <sysexits.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip_var.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <netinet/udp_var.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
#include <netinet/icmp_var.h>
#include <netinet/igmp.h>
#include <netinet/igmp_var.h>

#define Error(s) err(EX_UNAVAILABLE, s);
#define E(s) if(!strcmp(s, arg[1]))

void usage __P((char *));
void ip_stat __P((void));
void udp_stat __P((void));
void tcp_stat __P((void));
void icmp_stat __P((void));
void igmp_stat __P((void));

struct prot {
char *name;
void (*funct) (void);

struct prot protos[] = {
{ "-ip" , ip_stat },
{ "-udp" , udp_stat },
{ "-tcp" , tcp_stat },
{ "-icmp", icmp_stat },
{ "-igmp", igmp_stat },

int main(int narg, char **arg)
int i;
int len = sizeof(protos) / sizeof(struct prot);

if(narg != 2){

/* Think different */

for(i=0; i < len; i++)
E(protos[i].name) {
(*protos[i].funct) ();
return 1;


return 0;

void usage(char *cmdname)
"\t%s -option\n\n"
"Option: -ip\n"
" -icmp\n"
" -igmp\n"
" -tcp\n"
" -udp\n", cmdname);

* You can cover printf() with a macro... but I'm fucking about... so
* I have time to spend...

void ip_stat(void)
struct ipstat i_stat;
int len = sizeof(i_stat);

if(sysctlbyname("net.inet.ip.stats", &i_stat, &len, 0, 0) < 0 )
Error("[ip_stat] sysctlbyname");

printf("IP Statistics\n\n");

printf("\t\treceived [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_total);
printf("\t\tbad checksum [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_badsum);
printf("\t\tpkts too short [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_tooshort);
printf("\t\tno enough data [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_toosmall);
printf("\t\tiph len < data [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_badhlen);
printf("\t\tip len < iph len [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_badlen);
printf("\t\tfragments [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_fragments);
printf("\t\tfrags dropped [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_fragdropped);
printf("\t\tfrags timeout [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_fragtimeout);
printf("\t\tforwarded [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_forward);
printf("\t\tfast forward [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_fastforward);
printf("\t\tcant forward [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_cantforward);
printf("\t\tredirect sent [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_redirectsent);
printf("\t\tproto unknown [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_noproto);
printf("\t\tiplen > maxpksz [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_toolong);
printf("\t\tip version != 4 [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_badvers);
printf("\t\ttotal raw gen [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_rawout);
printf("\t\tmcast not memb [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.ips_notmember);

void udp_stat(void)
struct udpstat u_stat;
int len = sizeof(u_stat);

if(sysctlbyname("net.inet.udp.stats", &u_stat, &len, 0, 0) < 0)
Error("[udp_stat] sysctlbyname");

printf("UDP Statistics\n\n");

printf("Total input packets: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_ipackets);
printf("\t\t\t\tPacket shorter than header: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_hdrops);
printf("\t\t\t\tChecksum error: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_badsum);
printf("\t\t\t\tData len larger than pkt: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_badlen);
printf("\t\t\t\tNo socket on port: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_noport);
printf("\t\t\t\tArrived as broadcast: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_noportbcast);
printf("\t\t\t\tNot delivered: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_fullsock);
printf("\t\t\t\tMissing pcb cache: %ld\n", u_stat.udpps_pcbcachemiss);
printf("\t\t\t\tNot for hashed pcb: %ld\n\n",u_stat.udpps_pcbhashmiss);
printf("Total ouput packets: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_opackets);
printf("\t\t\t\tFast path: %ld\n", u_stat.udps_fastout);

void tcp_stat(void)
struct tcpstat t_stat;
int len = sizeof(t_stat);

if(sysctlbyname("net.inet.tcp.stats", &t_stat, &len, 0, 0) < 0)
Error("[tcp_stat] sysctlbyname");

printf("TCP Statistics\n\n");

printf("\t\tinitiated: [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_connattempt);
printf("\t\taccepted: [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_accepts);
printf("\t\testabilished [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_connects);
printf("\t\tdropped [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_drops);
printf("\t\tembryonic dropped [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_conndrops);
printf("\t\tkeepalive dropped [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_keepdrops);
printf("\t\tclosed [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_closed);
printf("\t\tsegs timed [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_segstimed);
printf("\t\trtt updated [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rttupdated);
printf("\t\tdelayed acks sent [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_delack);
printf("\t\tdropped in rxmt timeouts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_timeoutdrop);
printf("\t\tretrasmit timeouts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rexmttimeo);
printf("\t\tpersist timeouts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_persisttimeo);
printf("\t\tkeepalive timeouts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_keeptimeo);
printf("\t\tkeepalive probes sent [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_keepprobe);
#ifdef WAIT
printf("\t\tsent [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndtotal);
printf("\t\tdata pkt [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndpack);
printf("\t\tdata bytes [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndbyte);
printf("\t\tdata pkt retrasmitted [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndrexmitpack);
printf("\t\tdata bytes retrasmitted [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndrexmitbyte);
printf("\t\tack only pkts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndacks);
printf("\t\turg only pkts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndurg);
printf("\t\twin update only pkt [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndwinup);
printf("\t\tsyn|fin|rst pkt [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndctrl);
printf("\t\twindow probes [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_sndprobe);
#ifdef WAIT
printf("\t\treceived [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvtotal);
printf("\t\tpkt in sequence [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvpack);
printf("\t\tbyte in sequence [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvbyte);
printf("\t\tpkt with checksum errors [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvbadsum);
printf("\t\tpkt with bad offset [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvbadoff);
printf("\t\tpkt received too short [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvshort);
printf("\t\tduplicate only pkts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvduppack);
printf("\t\tduplicate only bytes [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvdupbyte);
printf("\t\tpartial duplicate data [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvpartduppack);
printf("\t\tpartial duplicate bytes [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvpartdupbyte);
printf("\t\tout of order pkts [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvoopack);
printf("\t\tout of order bytes [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvoobyte);
printf("\t\tpkts with data after win [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvpackafterwin);
printf("\t\tbytes received after win [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvbyteafterwin);
printf("\t\tpkts rcvd after close [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvafterclose);
printf("\t\tpkts rcvd win probe [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvwinprobe);
printf("\t\tduplicate acks [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvdupack);
printf("\t\tacks for unsent data [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvacktoomuch);
printf("\t\tacks packets [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvackpack);
printf("\t\tbytes acked by rcvd acks [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_rcvwinupd);
printf("\t\tseg dropped due to PAWS [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_pawsdrop);
printf("\t\tbogus syn [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_badsyn);
printf("\t\tresnd due to MTU discov. [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_mturesent);
printf("\t\tlisten queue overflow [ %ld ]\n", t_stat.tcps_listendrop);

void icmp_stat(void)
struct icmpstat i_stat;
int len = sizeof i_stat;

if(sysctlbyname("net.inet.icmp.stats", &i_stat, &len, 0, 0) < 0)
Error("[icmp_stat] sysctlbyname");

printf("ICMP Statistics\n\n");

printf("\t\tNumber of calls to icmp_error [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_error);
printf("\t\ticmp_code out of range [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_badcode);
printf("\t\tpkts < ICMP_MINLEN [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_tooshort);
printf("\t\tbad checksum [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_checksum);
printf("\t\tbad length [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_badlen);
printf("\t\tnumber of responses [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_reflect);
printf("\t\tm/bcast echo requests dropped [ %ld ]\n", i_stat.icps_bmcastecho);

void igmp_stat(void)
struct igmpstat i_stat;
int len = sizeof i_stat;

if(sysctlbyname("net.inet.igmp.stats", &i_stat, &len, 0, 0) < 0)
Error("[igmp_stat] sysctlbyname");

printf("IGMP Statistics\n\n");

printf("\t\tmessages received [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_total);
printf("\t\trcvd with too few bytes [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_tooshort);
printf("\t\trcvd with bad checksum [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_badsum);
printf("\t\trcvd membership queries [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_queries);
printf("\t\trcvd invalid queries [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_badqueries);
printf("\t\trcvd membership reports [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_reports);
printf("\t\trcvd invalid reports [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_badreports);
printf("\t\trcvd rep. for our grps [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_rcv_ourreports);
printf("\t\tsent membership reports [ %d ]\n", i_stat.igps_snd_reports);
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