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Posted Oct 25, 1999
Authored by Sil

Well written paper on securing linux for newbies. Lots of good and updated info. Version 1.1.

tags | paper
systems | linux, unix
SHA-256 | dd27f287c4429d8d76381c494dc21d247077b1a81c69eb8810e41786d60f5274


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SecureLinux for Newbies v.1.1

Another document on securing your Linux workstation/server,
for the newer Linux user/Admininstrator.

*** NOTE to Solaris users... Get Titan 3.0 ;) ***

*** NOTE to Windows users... fdisk d c:\ ***


i Why
ii Tools
iii Better
iv AfterEffects
v Copyrights


i Why?

Possibily because your new to Linux and are too dumb to find
these things yourself, or your just trying to get a second
opinion on securing your machine from some moron with too
much time on his/her/it's hands. This document was mainly
written because I had too much time on my hands and for the
most part I hate reading "x == y if 666^308*0 == a || b"
type documentation.

Besides I would like to know if aside from my work station
being uberleetly secured, you managed to make this doc work
for you. So feedback would be nice.

Anyways to resolve all this without using any of this info
you can always download OpenBSD, which I also use nowadays.
OpenBSD is the most secure OS in existance, and is
definitely my top choice for running an I'net site.


ii Tools

Everyone needs tools on their work station to secure it unless
you just plan on leaving it off the net, where it's probably
at its most secure state. But that would take the fun out of
getting to know just how vulnerable your box is. While this is
no damn Harvard type tutorial, it is efficient as hell, and
not full of some 0-day supercalifragilisticexpialidoscious type
words which can confuse some of the newer users unfamiliar
with technicalities.


1. Portsentry

Portsentry is a tool from Psionic which detects abnormal
activity from the log files. It detects most types of scans
and is configurable to send root@localhost or wherever else,
a detailed description of happenings on the system. Portsentry
is also configure to auto drop a luzer into the
/etc/hosts.deny which IMHO is pretty cool but ineffective
once a dynamic host returns with a new IP_ADDR.

Abacus Project


Although I see on newer kernels such as 2.3.20 which I use
at work daily IPCHAINS is being replaced with Network Packet
Filtering, many users are still on the IPCHAINS scene.
I hate typing all the neccessary switches to get
them to work, the thought of constantly typing:

ipchains -A yadda yadda deny yadda yadda

is sickening since your probably going to be constantly
modifying this file. My suggestion would be to go to
www.freshmeat.net and obtain GFCC.

GFCC is a GUI to use IPCHAINS without all of the crappy
ass syntaxes to get IPCHAINS to work.

Now I would specify a kick ass ruleset here, but It'd
be a nightmare to explain them. Besides I don't have
that much time to kill. (Alcohol in the vicinity ;) )

So for my ruleset you can visit www.antioffline.com/xp0.rules

Mainly everything which should be unaccessable via
the net is blocked out. For those running NAMED, WWW, etc.,
the answer is simple: Uncomment it.

IPCHAINS download site:

GFCC's downloadble via:

3. NMAP by Fyodor

Now what system would be complete without the joy of typing
nmap -sR -sS -O -v ... NMAP is probably one of
the best scanners for obtaining an in-depth look at your
machine. While it is a good scanner, you shouldn't bother
trying to scan yourself if you have the IPCHAINS ruleset
I listed above, since NMAP will think your machine is a
Cisco router or Lexmark printer, you should scan your box
before starting any ipchains ruleset and tweak those rules
in accordance to NMAP's output. This is done for obvious
reasons... Maximum effectiveness.

Fyodor's NMAP site is located at:

4. Deception Tool Kit

Security through Obscurity can be a double edged sword,
but do you really give a shit when it comes down to
protecting your property? If thats the case post your
login and passwords around and stop reading this doc.

Deception Tool Kit is a pretty much straightforward
tool which generates fake information related to your
machine. For example if your running Linux which most
likely you are if your reading this, then you can have
DTK generate a fake snapshot of another OS and have
the results reply to a would be geoshitty kiddie trying
to gain su on your machine. I don't feel like typing
a whole slew of pro's and con's about DTK, but I will
say its a kick ass tool to have.

Soluble Resolution? Download the shit and try it out. ;)

This is a sample of my inetd.conf file in which I removed
mainly everything since this is just my personal box. On
my servers I have minimal stuff open which limits the
amount of possible remote exploits against the server.

# Sample inetd.conf file used in conjuction with
# DTK. As you can see nothing is open, but when I
# need to start something I comment it in and
# kill -HUP inetd after I entered whatever it is
# I needed. Simplicity owns. I've also thrown in
# wrenches in my inetd.conf should anyone be able
# to actually bypass my IPCHAINS. So basically
# they end up with trashy info... Its obsolete
# but I need humor in my life ;)

serv0 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv2 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv3 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv4 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv5 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv6 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
echo stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
echo dgram udp wait root /dtk/coredump
discard stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
discard dgram udp wait root /dtk/coredump
daytime stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
daytime dgram udp wait root /dtk/coredump
chargen stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
chargen dgram udp wait root /dtk/coredump
time stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
time dgram udp wait root /dtk/coredump
serv8 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv10 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv12 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv14 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
serv16 stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
domain stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coredump
ftp stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
telnet stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
timed stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
route stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
tempo stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
mysql stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
irc stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump
netbios-sn stream tcp nowait root /dtk/coreump

Deception Tool Kit can be found here:

5. SSH

Secure shell should replace telnet running on a machine
by all means. SSH simply encrypts data to and from hosts,
which basically means anyone who's set up a sniffer on
your machine is sniffing useless info. Beware of the
latest program I've seen at Packet Storm Security which
affects v 1.2.27 though. Supposedly it backdoors a magic
password on that version to allow connection. For Windows
users who connect to your box, recommend they download
Secure CRT or some other client to continue accessing
your machine.

These are for the most part the minimal amount of tools
I've used and am happy with. You can always check into
PacketStorm.Securify.com and check the files their left
and right.

I would definitely explain a lot more stuff but this
is only makeshift remedy for possibly a workstation or
1-10 machine network.

SSH can be found here:


SARA is the evolution of SATAN which is a kick ass Unix
Auditing tool. This is definitely a must IMHO on any
system you manage. While SATAN is pretty much outdated,
SARA is updated constantly in tune with the newest
remote vulnerabilities. Here some of the features of
SARA... And best of all, like good security software
its free.

Built-in report writer (by subnet or by database)
Built-in summary table generator
FTP Bounce test
Mail relay test
Gateway to external programs (e.g., NMAP)
CGI-BIN vulnerability testing (Unix and IIS)
SSH buffer overflow vulnerabilities
Current Sendmail vulnerabilities
IMAPD/POPD buffer overflow vulnerabilities
Current FTP and WU-FTP vulnerabilities
Tooltalk buffer overflow vulnerbilities
Netbus, Netbus-2, and Back Orifice vulnerabilities
Improved Operating System fingerprinting
Weekly updates
Probing for non-password accounts
NFS file systems exported to arbitrary hosts
NFS file systems exported to unprivileged programs
NFS file systems exported via the portmapper
NIS password file access from arbitrary hosts
REXD access from arbitrary hosts
X server access control disabled
Arbitrary files accessible via TFTP
Remote shell access from arbitrary hosts
Writable anonymous FTP home directory

SARA can be downloaded via its homepage:

7. Check.pl

Check.pl 1.0 runs through all of the files and
directories that it is given as arguments and
determines the permissions. It then sends a list
of "dangerous" files to stdout which can be
redirected to a file. This program should be run
as a regular user to check for writeable
directories, suid, guid, and writeable files.
Helps admins sniff out files that have incorrect
permissions. Changes: Changes in reporting for
first public release, runs slightly faster,
added limits to depth of directory recursion so
as to avoid the GNOME circular symlink problem
in home directories.

(graciously ripped exlanantion taken from PSS..
whats up Matt ;) )


8. Snort (thanx to MAx for this reminder ;) )
Snort is a libpcap-based packet sniffer/logger
which can be used as a lightweight network
intrusion detection system. It features rules based
logging and can perform content searching/matching
in addition to being used to detect a variety of
attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth
port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, and much more.
Snort has a real-time alerting capabilty, with alerts
being sent to syslog, a seperate "alert" file, or
as WinPopup messages via Samba's smbclient.

Snort is freely available at:


Other tool reference sites:

(Mr. Gula is elite as hell)

(Anti Sniffer Sniffer is cool)


(Security Oriented Yahoo)

(believe it or not I found some security shit here)

(For those corporate types who wanna pay for shit)

(Network Flight Recorder owns)

(because its my doc and I 0wned myself 100 times)


iii Better

Now your probably reading this shit and saying this guy is
a moron. And quite frankly I could care less, but I got tired
of people e-mailing me with some 0-day message on securing
their box. There are tons of better documentation and I
could've easily said do a find / -perm 4000 and chmod that
shit then yadda yadda, but this would've been too long.

So here is a quick list of some of the sites with a bit more
details in securing your machine.


Lance Spitzer's Armoring Linux is a pretty cool doc for
most newer Admins/Newbie/Cluebie users. He's actually
a kick ass guy on the Checkpoint side of things ;) as well.


BroncBuster has an ok doc written in accordance to Slackware.
Even though he didn't give me an opportunity to interview
him for the BroncBuster vs. Michael Jackson event, I ain't
mad at him.


Vetesgirl is a good friend, and has some cool shit on her
page in reference to Linux. She is also the author of
VetesScan which is also a cool ass tool to have around


Packet Storm Security is one of the biggest security sites
around. Started by Ken Williams which is also one of the
coolest people in the world, Packet Storm is on top of
security like JP is on top of Brad's anus. Definitely a
place to go and read documentation on everything from a-z.


SecurityFocus is another one of the coolest sites to gain
info from. This is AlephOne's bugtraq site, complete with
tools, documentation, postings, etc.


SecuritySearch is a search engine dedicated to security and
should be in your bookmark list. This is the most thorough
search engine related to security I've found. Although you
do have to watch those damn geoshitty sites that have sprung
up there like the plague... ;)


XForce has some pretty cool documentation related to security.
While I get tired of typing this 1/2 hour doc, I'll just throw
in links and you can check em for yourself.


NMRC (great Novell documentation)

Rewted Labs
(pestilence sector9 bell are cool as hell)

Technotronic Security


iv AfterEffects

Yes I could've went on about Shadow, Tripwire, SKEY, or
whatever else I wanted to but this was only meant to be
a refreshing document to help joe/jane shmoe maintain a
scriptkiddie free box. Besides hasn't this same file been
written over and over?

I would definitely visit some of the links mentioned in the
Better section to get a better overview on certain issues.
I would definitely visit Lance Spitzer's site and reference
his Armoring tutorial which is pretty detailed. Bronc's
document is pretty good to although its a bit outdated since
he wrote it using Slackware probably 2.0.34 or so.

So there you go... The Newbies guide to securing your 0-day
in a nutshell without all the ugliness of technical talk:

@ARGV = ("/etc/master.passwd");
$^I = "~/.h0h0";
while (<>) {


v Copyrights

This document was written on the sole basis of wasting my
time and yours. It is not intended for large networks nor
should be used as a reference to the internal security
of your PC as a 100% hack proof workstation. If you've
managed to grep a shred of knowledge through this doc then
it should be on your bearing to better secure your own
damn PC without anyone elses help. Copyrights only apply
to lawyers and loser who don't care to share what would
normally be free information with the world, or are
trying to protect an idea that has been thought of by
someone too poor to pay for that idea. This document
may be freely distributed as long as it is not mirrored
until you've ping -f'd yourself to oblivion.

J. Oquendo

#unixgods #syndrome #bofh

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