The Bastard returns briefly
<META name="AUTHOR" content="Simon Travaglia">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="stewj Productions">
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<p align=center><font size=6><strong>The Bastard Operator From Hell</strong></font><br>
<font size=4 color="#ECA4A4"><em><strong>The Bastard returns briefly</strong></em></font></p>
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<p>Programming is dull at the moment since the only "bug" in my software is now repaired. (The
swipe-card door-access machine had some logic "glitch" that unfortunately no-one knew about until
a particularly annoying Sales Consultant got accidentally locked in the secure area over the holiday
weekend. The poor guy was a drooling wreck when they found him - apparently the sirens and
sprinklers were playing up in there too, every 10 minutes. It all goes to show that you can't be too
careful when stealing an ex-operators car park.</p>
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