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Posted Feb 6, 2007
Authored by Tal Argoni | Site zion-security.com

EasyMoblog version 0.5.1 suffers from another SQL injection vulnerability. Details provided.

tags | exploit, sql injection
SHA-256 | e7290bd738849c3b7fdd17d859d2ca260504c556b0813e946fc41060084d6492


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·= Security Advisory =·

Issue: Sql injection Vulnerability in EasyMoblog by Umberto Caldera.
Discovered Date: 30/01/07
Author: Tal Argoni, LegendaryZion. [talargoni at gmail.com]
Product Vendor: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=88633
Ver: easymoblog-0.5.1

EasyMoblog is prone to a Sql Injection Vulnerability.
The vulnerability exists in comment_add function, caused by the lack of
Input Validation/Filtering of quotation and malicious characters
in the GET parameter "i" OR in the POST parameter "post_id".

The use of post_details function is done by "add_comment.php"
that exist in "libraries.inc.php".

Contents of libraries.inc.php:

function comment_add ($comment) { .....

$query = "
insert into ".CFG_MYSQL_TABPREFIX."comments
values (
$res = mysql_query($query);


Contents of add_comment.php:

$form['post_id'] = '';
if(isset($_POST['post_id'])) $form['post_id'] = $_POST['post_id'];
elseif(isset($_GET['i'])) $form['post_id'] = $_GET['i'];
else exit();

if (count($errors) == 0) {
$comment = $form;

$comment = comment_add ($comment);
Header ("Location: list_comments.php?i=".$comment['post_id']);

Exploitation URL:

Successful exploitation may allow execution of Sql code.
This could also be exploited to get the passwords, users
and a lot of informaion, commit Denial Of Service attacks and more...

Proof Of Concept:

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